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Brahmavihārā Meditation Retreat

18th.- 28th. April, 2024



Come and experience a joyous & blissful Brahmavihara Meditation, where Samatha and Vipassana are yoked together.


VENUE   : Brahmavihara Monastery & Retreat Centre, Melaka, Malaysia 

Date : 18th. to 28th. April, 2024, 10 days Stay-in meditation retreat.   Thursday to next Sunday. 


Check in  : 17/4 or  18/4/2024 :-

Eight Preceptors :  latest by 18/4/2024 (Thursday) evening before 5.00pm.
Going Forth :  latest by 18/4/2024, morning before 8.00am.

If you check in on 17.04.2024, preferably before 5.00pm. 

We accept males and females lay yogi (upāsaka & upāsikā)  for Meditation Retreat, required to observe eight (8) Precepts.  For those who wish to Go-Forth for temporary Ordination (Samanera and Samaneri), required to observe ten (10) Precepts.    。

Check out :  28.04.2024  (Sunday) after lunch, 2.00pm.
The Preceptor & the Abbott of the Monastery : Prof. Dr. Bhante Dhammapala Mt.

Meditation Teacher  : Ven. Obhasa Theri (also known as Ven. Samadhi,   F. - Hong Kong)

Qualification :17 years & above, 50 pax maximum.  。

Language  :In English 。

Course contents  : Morning Homage to Triple Gems.  Sitting, standing & walking meditation. Daily interview and evening Sutta- based Dhamma talk relevant to the Retreat's topic. 

Attire : Comfortable wear, white sleeved shirt, white or dark long pants, loose clothing which does not produces noises.  

Rules and Regulations  

Read the rules and regulations of Brahmavihara Monastery  & Retreat Centre (BMRC.);  :!AsehXSGe9PTzhKcX03R-IyGdv8GkNg

Read the Retreat Rules by the Teacher

All Rules and Regulations may subject to changes from time to time.


Venerable Obhāsa is a Hong Kong born Bhikkhunī well trained in the Mahayana and the Theravada traditions.  

 Education related to Buddhism  

@   Buddhist Tai Kwong Yuen Primary School, Hong Kong (1962-1967)  

@   Yuan Kuang Buddhist College, Taiwan (2009-2011)  

@   Ching   Chueh   Buddhist   Shanga University (Taiwan  Affiliate of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya         University,   Thailand) (2011-2013)  

@   University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka - Master of Buddhist and Pali Studies (2013-2015) 

@   The University of Hong Kong - Master of Buddhist Counselling Study (2020-2021)  

@    University of Cambridge - Introduction to Emotional and Social Embodied Cognition (2022)  


Higher Ordination Upasampadā 

·       Mahayana Upasampadā: Ling Quan Temple, Keelung City, Taiwan (2010)  

·       Theravada Upasampadā: Dekanduwala Bhikkhunī Training Centre, Horana, Sri Lanka (2015)  

·       Pabbajjā Master: Venerable Chang Huai  

·       Preceptor Master: Venerable Hsing Yun, Venerable Kirama Wimalajothi 

·       Dhammā Master: Venerable Vimalaramsi Thero  


Meditation Practices and Teaching 

·       Zen Meditation: Seung Sahn Zen Master (International Kwan Um School of Zen)  

·       Zen Meditation: In the tradition of the Línjì school (Taiwan)  

·       Vipassanā Meditation:Thailand and Taiwan (in the tradition of the Sayagyi U Ba Khin)  

·       Brahmavihārās Meditation (in the tradition of the Suttavada)  

·       Spiritual Advisor and Meditation Teacher of the START Meditation Charity Foundation of Hong Kong 

·       Venerable actively teaches Mindfulness and Brahmavihārās meditation (using the START*/TWIM method) in Malaysia, UK, US. and China via online classes and physical meditation retreats.

* START is the acronym for Serene Tranquil Awakening Relax Technique.

Dana Contribution

1.  For Dhamma Activity   - Lodging & Meals  

 Lodging and two meals vegetarian food will be provided by BMRC.  No fees or charges is imposed.  We welcome your Dana contribution for this Dhamma activity, help to defray the cost of this Meditation Retreat.  These include water, electricity, utilities.... etc.  at the Centre.  
Contact person for enquiry  : Bro Chew +6019-657 3161   or  Bro. Loo 016-691 0018 


Particulars for Donation  :

Bank Account Details:  Account Name: Brahmavihara Berhad.  

Public Bank (PBB.) Account Number: 3197686422

Kindly WhatsApp your bank-in-slip to Sis. Tan Swe Yan (+6017 343 7061)  for the issuance of receipts  when you have Dana, online transferred or contributed for lodging and meals to BMRC.



2.  For Sangha-teacher's travelling expenses, airfares.    
On the last day of the Retreat, there will be the Observant of six (6) Precepts, and Sharing Session with Ven. Obhasa after breakfast. The Retreatants can offer 'Ang Pow packet' onto a tray for the Teacher (Ven. Obhasa) as part of the contribution for the purchase of air-tickets.  Two Assistants will be appointed to count the sum offered, and to be handed over to person in charge with acknowledgment. (Ven. Obhasa will be taking flight from Hong-Kong, to conduct this Meditation Retreat in Malaysia.  After the Retreat, Venerable intends to go to India.)  We Dana for the traveling and airfares through Ang-Pow packet on the last day of the Retreat.  Lastly, group photo before Lunch.  After lunch,  cleaning chores and tidy-up the Centre before you leave.

Additional info. for contribution on airfares, please contact :-

Sis Leong J Peng +6012-268 1738 (what'sapp only)  or Sis Freda Teoh : +6012-383 8096 


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