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首先再次感恩敏師, 五蓋其實之前喺第二度聽過一次又一次, 唔明自己上網又搵過資料並抄底(個 terms) 。。。 但係昨天到敏師問我, 我都係講唔到😅
經過昨晚 敏師 深入淺出的教導 後 ,估計我往後可以 唔使再看抄本,便可 直接 輸出分享。。。
昨晚講解的 例子真是又多又得👍👍👍👍😘😘😘


感恩法師昨晚再次為我們詳細地剖析 五蓋 ,讓我們對 五蓋 能更深細地認識,無修行的人生是很危險的,被 五蓋 蓋住,隨時都有可能作出傷人傷己的三業行。😅


用Metta 迥向身邊的家人及所見所遇的一切🙏😊




​佛學推廣 - 慈心法堂

Blue Water

Venerable Obhasa 定敏法師

Venerable Obhasa (also known as Ven Samadhi, 定敏法師) is a  Hong Kong born Bhikkuni.  

In 2009, she went forth as a Samanen and in 2010, she received her full ordination Upasampada in Taiwan under the Mahayana Tradition. 

In 2013, she went to the University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka to pursue the Master of Buddhist and Pali Studies.

Upon graduation in 2015, she received her full ordination as Theravada's Bhikkhuni at Bhikkuni Training Centre Dekanduwala, Sri Lanka.

In 2015 she also started to practice Metta meditation with Bhante Vimaiaramsi Mt. and in 2018.  Bhante approved and authorized her as one of the qualified Meditation Teachers.  

Since 2020, she has been the Spiritual Advisor and Meditation Teacher of START Meditation Charity Foundation of Hong Kong.  Since then, she has been actively conducting meditation retreats in China, USA and Malaysia; via online and physically.

Blue Skies

Learn the right knowledge and right view of the Dharma, and pray that you can complement each other in practice!

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